
Disaster & Emergency Management Services

Disaster & Emergency System GAP Analysis:

Identifying how to create and manage a structure helping all kinds of establishment regardless of the size in maintaining operations without any interruption during unforeseen disasters and emergencies.

Hawksvale UK prepares reports on the differences between the target requirements current situation and sets fort methods for correcting the deficiencies by examining your establishment in line with disaster and emergency management requirements

Disaster & Emergency RISK Analysis:

Analysis of the risk to be caused by the hazard is a significant study which will help you in deciding what kind of preparedness is required against disasters and emergencies and what points to consider. Moreover, being aware of the potential hazards in and around your workplaces will help you, during disaster and emergency plan preparation stage

Hawksvale identifies the potential hazards in and around your workplace office/work environment or evacuation road/conducts analysis (risk analysis) on the impact of the Identified hazards on human assets, goods and services/business continuity, recommends solutions for reducing the risk and identifies the need with a comprehensive study performed by its expert’s staff.

Preparation of Disaster & Emergency

Plan preparation of Floor Evacuation

Plans Evacuation Drills

Creating Disaster & Emergency Teams
